Vandenabeele 'Rudy' 
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Youngsters Vandenabeele 'Rudy'
ATTENTION: no young pigeons can be delivered between July 31 and January 15.
** For youngsters gender is not guaranteed.
Yearlings Vandenabeele 'Rudy'
Vandenabeele 'Rudy'

The colony of Gaby Vandenabeele from Dentergem (West Flanders) was auctioned at the end of 2018 for a record amount of € 6,582,500.
Gaby became famous with pigeons from one family consisting of, among others, the "Kleinen", the "Wittenbuik" and the "Bliksem". His best breeder was undoubtedly "Rudy", son of "Bliksem" and father of "New Bliksem", 1st national Tulle yearlings, and "Super Romeo", 1st national ace-pigeon long-distance yearlings K.B.D.B.
The Descheemaecker Pigeon Center has an exclusive loft with all grandchildren of "Rudy".
- Gaby learned pigeon sport from his father Gentiel and started in 1976
- worldwide top-performances with this strain
- 7 national and 100 provincial victories from 1988 to 2018
- Gaby stopped the pigeon sport in November 2018 because of health reasons